Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Parameter name

Validation rule

All parameters except listed below

The following symbols are prohibited and removed

< > " = ' / \ ( ) ; #

All parameters with URL

The following symbols are prohibited and removed

< > %3C %3E

symbols &&" are changed to &"

Address , OrderComment

The following symbols are prohibited and removed

< > =

OrderNumber, Bill

The following symbols are prohibited and removed

< > ' " ;

OrderComment, Address (order), Bill_comment (createbill), Сomment (cancel)

The following symbols are prohibited and removed

< > = \


The following symbols are prohibited and removed

< > " = ' / \ ( ) ; #

Parameter length is no more than 15 digits

Digital parameters
Merchant_ID, RecurringIndicator (as well as other parameters of type int)

Parameter length is no more than 15 digits

Parameter value is no more than 2147483647

RecurringPeriod, RecurringCount, RecurringPeriodScale (as well as other parameters of type smallint)

Parameter length is no more than 5 digits

Parameter value is no more than 32767


Parameter length is no more than 1 digit

Parameter value is no more than 4


The following symbols are prohibited and removed

+  -  .  _  \  / and space

Parameter length is no more than 4 digits, all letters O (uppercase, lowercase, Russian, Latin) are replaced by zeros.
delayParameter length is no more than 1 digit, accepted values are 0,1,2,

Attention! By generating requests to IPS Assist servers, it is not allowed to transmit critical data in the URL query string as a query string (regardless of the request method (GET/POST/PUT, etc.) and the used data transmission format (XML/JSON)).

If one of the critical parameters is present in the request line, the server will return an error. Critical parameters and their values can be passed in the body of the request, as described in this documentation and the attached examples. In some services, individual parameters can also be passed in the request header.

The following parameters are critical:

PasswordUser password to access the web service or interface
CardnumberCard number
CardholderСard owner
ExpiremonthCard expiration month
ExpireyearCard expiration year
Cvc2CVC2 code
PaymentTokenProvider payment token or Assist token (type 5)

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