The payment pages of a standard type are displayed to the buyer for payments through IPS Assist using redirection to the Assist site or display in an iFrame built into the merchant's website.

Appearance of payment pages

In the images below, red numbers indicate the different elements of the payment page.

Standard payment page appearance

Mobile version of the payment page appearance

Explanation of designations


The name of the merchant (online store) in the language of the order

You can configure the spelling of the merchant in different languages in the Personal account


Merchant (online store) logo

To place the merchant's logo on payment pages, you need to send a file with an image of the logo in svg, png or jpg format to the IPS Assist technical support service. When preparing an image, keep in mind that it will fit into a container of the following dimensions:

  • for desktop version - 239х31;
  • for mobile version:
    • 191х25 - at the mobile device screen width 320;
    • 262х25 - at the mobile device screen width 375;
    • 285х25 - at the mobile device screen width 414.


Order amount and order currency

If the order amount is an integer, zero decimal places are not displayed. The currency is displayed with the corresponding currency symbol.


Order comment

The payment page can display the text of the comment transmitted by creating an order in the OrderComment field.  To configure the display of the comment, contact the IPS Assist technical support service.


Card data entry area


Issuer bank logo

Displayed while filling in the card number field


Payment system logo

Displayed while filling in the card number field


Buyer data entry

It is possible to customize a set of buyer parameters (cardholder, first and last name of the buyer) displayed on the payment pages.

If these parameters are required by the merchant for its own technological requirements, and they are available within its own database, it is desirable to transmit them in the request to create a payment. If parameters are transmitted in the request, they will not be displayed on the payment page. If the parameters are not transmitted in the request, they will be displayed on the payment page for the buyer to fill in.

The settings for displaying the buyer's parameters are performed by the employees of the IPS Assist technical support service at the request of the merchant.

To view the payment pages interactively, you can use our demo store by making a Test payment.

Setting up a return to the store after payment

If necessary, after the payment, you can immediately return the buyer to the store page specified in the URL_RETURN parameter of the payment request.

Setting up the iFrame use

When using an iFrame to display Assist payment pages on a store site, the customer may need to scroll to view the entire payment page.

After injecting the suggested script into the <head> , the width of the content will adapt to the dimensions of the iFrame.

Note. It is recommended to specify a width of at least 320px.

    window.addEventListener('message', receiveMessage, false);
    function receiveMessage(event){   
        document.getElementById("iframe_name").width =;
        document.getElementById("iframe_name").height =;

Additional options for changing the appearance of payment pages