One Click service gives a possibility to make a purchase without entering the full card data to confirm payment (only CVC2 code must be entered) for loyal customers.

The merchant maintains its database of customers, giving them an unique number (CustomerNumber), while the IPS Assist stores the encrypted credit card numbers corresponding to those company customers (CustomerNumber).

While performing of order payment, the customer gets an offer to save the card for future payments using the One Click service. The proposal's text is located in the bottom of the screen:

The positive response on the proposal is selected by default!

If the customer refuses to save the card for future payments then all his payments actions remain as standard. By next payments, the customer will be asked again to save the card. At the request of the customer, the merchant in the Personal Account can assign the record with his number (CustomerNumber) the status of "Deny", which excludes the appearance of new offers to save the card for this customer in the future.

If the customer agrees to save the card, then to perform the next payment he will be prompted to enter only the CVC2 code, all other parameters of the card are automatically filled. If this payment is unsuccessful, then by next payment the customer will again be asked to save the card. Of course, for security reasons the card number is displayed on the screen using a mask. All further payments of this customer can be made in the same way. The entry with his number (CustomerNumber) is assigned the status "Member".

If the customer uses several bank cards for payments on orders of the merchant, each card connects to the One Click service by the same rules. During the payment for the next order, the customer has the option to choose a card from the drop down list of its payment means, which reached a predetermined number of successful payments.

Customer is asked to confirm that he wants to pay through the One Click service before each next order payment:

If the customer agrees to use one of the previously saved cards to pay, then he is prompted to enter only the code CVC2 during the payment.

If the customer has more than one saved card, then all of them will be displayed on the payment page so that the customer can select the one he needs to make a payment.

If necessary, the customer can enter the details of a new card (+ sign to the left of the list of saved cards). In the future, this new card will also be displayed on the payment page for choosing a payment method using the One Click service.

To delete the current card, you should click on the image of the basket on it and agree to the deletion.

When there are no cards left after deletion then full information of a new card must be provided in a payment. Also, the customer will again receive an offer to save the card for the next purchases using the One Click service. For a complete refusal of the service usage the customer should contact the merchant.

Information about enterprise's customers (members of the One Click service) can be reviewed in Personal Account.

When card expires, the member of One Click service can add the re-issued card as new one.

If the customer received instead of an expired card a new card with the same number, then after adding a new card, the data in the system will be updated automatically and the customer will not need to delete the old card. If a new card is issued with a different number, then it is better to delete the old card.

Depending on the characteristics of sales and the structure of a particular merchant, it is possible to expand the One Click service for several stores / sites. This uses the union of a list of customer numbers to jointly implement the One Click service. In IPS Assist, the following options for such a union are possible:

  • the union within one legal entity;
  • the union within a group of legal entities;
  • the union within a group of merchants.

To enable and configure this feature, please contact our technical support team.

Attention! For the correct operation of the service, it is necessary to ensure the uniqueness of customer numbers within the configured number union for the joint implementation of the One Click service.

Setting up the merchant for usage of the One Click service

To start use the One Click service a merchant should send a request to support team The request should contain the merchant identifier (Merchant_ID).


The merchant that wants to use the One Click service must pass the unique customer identification (CustomerNumber) among the rest order's parameters. That is in addition to the payment request parameters the following parameter must be passed:


Mandatory field

Adopted values



Yes, if the merchant uses the One Click service

String (up to 32 symbols)

Merchant's internal customer identification

The parameter is automatically validated.

The Signature parameter is also must be passed when CustomerNumber parameter is passed. The signature for such orders are formed basing on the following string of concatenated order's parameters


The value of Signature parameter is formed in accordance with the procedure.

The only merchants that accept the bank card payments can use the One Click service. The other payment means can’t be used in this program.

If there is the need to limit the payments volume of customer,using the One Click service, then turnover of each client (CustomerNumber) per day or per week may be limited. The turnover takes into account all customer cards. Contact the support team to setup such limits.

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