Redirecting to Assist

Customers are redirected from the merchant's website to a secure payment page on the Assist server, where users can enter their bank card details.

Display in iFRAME embedded in the store website

The payment page is located on the Assist server and is integrated into the merchamt website. The page can be changed in accordance with the corporate style of the merchant.

The One Click service purpose and main features

Fast payment in one click, at which the customer does not need to enter card data every time. It speeds up payment by 2 times and increases average revenue by 20%.

Double-stage operation mechanism

It allows you to make a payment in two stages: first, authorization of the card and holding funds are carried out, then confirmation of the transaction and withdrawal of funds are proceed. Useful when booking, pre-order, providing test access.

Bill payments

Using the invoicing and payment of bills the IPS Assist provides the merchant a simple opportunity to arrange payment by link, by clicking on which the client will be able to pay for the order. Thus, the merchant can work even without its own website.

CMS modules

Ready-made Assist software modules for all common CMS. Modules provide integration of the basic payment functionality into the store’s content management system.

Flight parameters for payment

For airplane tickets sales systems, it is possible to send additional fields with flight information in a separate request . Flight information is used to create an extended record sent to the bank. Using of extended record with flight information has additional features in the case of a one-stage or double-stage operation mode of an enterprise.


Merchants can conduct advertising campaigns aimed at promoting certain goods (services).

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